Shade: Nuln Oil 18 ml - боя
Base: Abaddon Black - боя
Base: Leadbelcher - боя
Base: Mephiston Red - боя
Shade: Reikland Fleshshade 18 ml - боя
Layer: White Scar - боя
Shade: Agrax Earthshade 18 ml - боя
Base: Retributor Armour - боя
Layer: Fenrisian Grey - боя
Contrast: Black Templar 18 ml - боя
Layer: Ushabti Bone - боя
Layer: Stormhost Silver - боя
Contrast: Blood Angels Red 18 ml - боя
Base: Khorne Red - боя
Contrast: Guilliman Flesh 18 ml - боя
Technical: Contrast Medium - боя
Layer: Screaming Skull - боя
Base: Corax White - боя
Layer: Moot Green - боя
Base: Rakarth Flesh - боя
Base: Mournfang Brown - боя
Layer: Eshin Grey - боя
Contrast: Apothecary White 18 ml - боя
Base: Caliban Green - боя
Contrast: Skeleton Horde 18 ml - боя
Contrast: Iyanden Yellow 18 ml - боя
Base: Macragge Blue - боя
Base: Balthasar Gold - боя
Base: Bugman's Glow - боя
Layer: Dawnstone - боя
Technical: Blood For The Blood God - боя
Layer: Evil Sunz Scarlet - боя
Technical: Armageddon Dust - боя
Layer: Liberator Gold - боя
Base: The Fang - боя
Base: Rhinox Hide - боя
Dry: Necron Compound - боя
Base: Averland Sunset - боя
Technical: Lahmian Medium - боя
Layer: Ulthuan Grey - боя