MTG - Wilds of Eldraine Set Booster - карти
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Всяко едно пакетче MTG Wilds of Eldraine Set Booster съдържа поне една рядка или митична рядка карта (приблизително 42% да имат две, 14% да имат три, 2% да имат четири и < 1% да имат пет):
Each Set Booster contains 12 Magic cards, 1 Art Card, and 1 token/ad card, or card from “The List” (a special card from Magic's history—found in 25% of packs). Every pack includes a combination of 1–5 card(s) of rarity Rare or higher and 3–7 Uncommon, 3–6 Common, and 1 Land cards. Each booster contains at least 1 Enchanting Tales card of rarity Uncommon or higher. The Land card is Traditional Foil in 20% of packs and is a Full-Art Showcase Land in 33% of packs. A Foil-Stamped Signature Art Card replaces the Art Card in 10% of Set Boosters.